Saturday, June 20, 2015

Informational and eLearning Painting Videos

Well, Jill has been very busy with her newest passion in creating information/instructional videos these past few months. I am very impressed with the level of effort and skill already afforded to making this a reality.

In addition to YouTube, she now uses Vimeo for both the information and now her e-Learning series.

The e-Learning series is her pay-for training. She has not stood it up formally yet, but the pricing is going to be quite affordable. I've seen a number of the completed training videos and like the free informational ones, they are not only interesting but entertaining. I walked away with a lot of information mostly due to the style it is relayed with not only static pictures but diagraming and highlighting techniques, as well as well-placed music and some videos.

So, now when I look at paintings or photos, I automatically try identify the style and tools used to compose the piece.

Of course, I have a bias, but hopefully have been a highly critical assistant to her projects.

Recommend: Look at the free informational things she's done and then decide if you'll enjoy the eLearning series (when it comes out)...I believe you will.

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